Most of us like to keep things tidy. We have a sense of what it means to have our lives “in order,” or at least in order enough for public viewing. When people come into our homes, we want them to see that we have things picked up and our floors are clean. But how often to you invite someone into your closet? Or your basement? Or your attic? For most of us, keeping things tidy on a regular basis is enough most of the time. But one time of the year, more than any other we often find ourselves going a bit deeper. Something about the smell of spring in the air, the new buds on the trees and new flowers in the yard make us want to start fresh in our homes as well. We want to clean out the junk, get the dust bunnies out from under the bed, and do the hard work of a deep spring cleaning. Some spring cleaning requires purging and pitching, some organizing and putting things into their place, and some simply requires dusting off and washing down.

Over the next few weeks we are going to look at some of the areas in our homes that probably need some spring cleaning and how they parallel areas in our hearts that could use some spring cleaning as well.

As we prepare to walk through the rooms of our houses and our hearts, here is a song that I love (the video isn’t a great one, but you can at least hear the song this way) that invites Christ to make his home in our hearts. Listen to it, meditate on the words, and next time we’ll begin “Spring Cleaning.”

Come and make my heart Your home
Come and be everything I am and all I know
Search me through and through
‘Till my heart becomes a home for You

A home for You, Lord
A home for You, Lord
Let everything I do open up
A door for You to come through
And that my heart would be a place
Where You want to be…

You are my portion, filling up everything
You are the fortune, that’s causing my heart to sing
That it’s amazing…
That You could make Yourself at home with me